End of Summer Cocktails End of Summer Cocktails

End of Summer Cocktails

Say hello to COVL—a Miami-native and multidisciplinary artist.


Stanley Boozy Favorites: Bourbon Bacon Maple Oatmeal
Stanley Boozy Favorites: Bourbon Bacon Maple Oatmeal
Picture this: You and a cadre of your best buds wake up bright and early after a long night of camping out at big outdoor music festival/art extravaganza/all-out-party. This whole weekend has been a blur as you listen to music, build bonfires, and carouse the night away. Maybe Jay brought along a bottle of fine aged bourbon that got passed around. Why the hell not - that’s what getaways like these are for, right? This morning, though, as you unzip your sleeping back, stretch and stumble out of your tent, all that carousing has caught up with you. The cool morning air and grass between your toes is helping, but you need something warm and hearty to help you nurse your party wounds. Something with the right mix of sweet, spice, salt, and fat that is the key to all good hangover cures. Maybe even something that features a little hair of the dog, just to even things out and help the day get started. And, most importantly: Something you can make in a single mobile cook set, like the Stanley Adventure Series Base Camp. Friend: Stanley’s got you covered. Our Bourbon Bacon Maple Oatmeal is the perfect post-party panacea, ready to bring you and your compatriots back to life in a pinch. Ready to taste the magic? Read on, young buck: Bourbon Bacon Maple Oatmeal Servings: 6-8 hungry peeps Ingredients: 2 cups of water 2 cups milk (or your favorite milk substitute) 2 cups of rolled oats - NOT instant oats, the real stuff. If you’re not down with the gluten, there are plenty of gluten-free options. 2 tsp cinnamon 2 tsp minced ginger 2 tsp vanilla extract 4 tbsp Bourbon Barreled Maple Syrup (or plain maple syrup if you’re not feelin’ fancy) 2 shots of your favorite whiskey (and one shot for yourself) 2 pinches of salt (we love the Sea Salt, but anything from that pink stuff from the Himalayas to a dash of Morton's will work just as well) 4 - 8 slices of bacon, fried to a nice maple brown color but not brittle The How To: Fry up your bacon in a saucepan. Be sure to wear pants, no matter how convinced you are there’s no one around to judge. Last thing you want is to have to explain how you got burned by bacon grease down there. Fill a large pot with your water and milk and get it boiling either over a campfire or gas-powered camp stove. Once it's boiling, add your rolled oats. Add your ginger, cinnamon, vanilla, and maple syrup. Add in your whiskey. Don’t sweat getting exactly two shots worth, just make sure it’s still more oats than booze when you're done. Slug or sip your shot of bourbon. You’re the chef, no one gets to tell you it’s too early. Stir it up, and let it cook down for about 10 minutes until it reaches your desired consistency. Stir every few minutes. When the oats are done, give it a good stir. Serve immediately, garnished with the bacon. Add a dash of maple syrup if you got a sweet tooth. That’s it! Ten minutes and you’ve got yourself a hell of a belly coater with the right touch of sweet whiskey bite. You can tweak the recipe however you want, add in some berries for sweetness or mix in nuts and granola for crunch. If you can’t finish it all, toss what’s left in a Stanley Bowl and enjoy warm oatmeal and bacon for hours. Food like this deserves a toast… If you still have any whiskey left. ABOUT STANLEY The Stanley brand has a rich 100+ year history. Born from inventor William Stanley Jr. who forever changed the way hot drinks were consumed, in 1913 he fused vacuum insulation and the strength of steel in one portable bottle, inventing the all-steel vacuum bottle we know and love today.
Stanley Style Barbeque Grilling Favorites
Stanley Style Barbeque Grilling Favorites
Molecular gastronomy be damned - sometimes food just tastes best when grilled over an open flame. Doesn’t matter if you’re a hardcore carnivore or a staunch vegetarian: a little bit of smoke, a touch of char and a few cold brews passed around in the great outdoors has all the makings of a delicious dine-out. The Stanley team loves BBQing so much we’re always looking for an excuse to fire up the grill, shake up a few cocktails and get down. We recently threw an end of summer BBQ blowout at Stanley HQ, encouraging everyone to bring their favorite dish. In true Stanley fashion we went BIG for this occasion - so big, the other departments were sad they weren’t invited. Maybe next year, Accounts Receivable! Some of the delicious vittles featured were a herb stuffed cedar plank salmon; smoked grilled flank steak, served thinly sliced; fresh roasted root vegetables, and all of the fixings’ you could want at a blowout cookout. Of course, we had a signature drink, the Stanley Cider Mule, the perfect mix of sweet, spicy and strong to kick things into high gear. Between the ever-flowing refreshments and all the gorging and gabbing going on, we put the summer to bed in style. Events get a little hazy after those first few cocktails, but one things for sure: Ain’t no party like a Stanley party, because a Stanley party pops off. Bummed you didn’t get an invite? Don’t fret: We’ve selected a few of our favorite recipes, designed, tested and tried by the those who love to grill at Stanley. Dig in: Recipes To Help You Party Like The Stanley Family: Fresh Grilled Vegetables With A Dijon, Olive Oil, And Lemon Glaze Forget boring, limp veggies thrown in as an afterthought: This recipe is designed to convert even the staunchest meat fanatics. Get yourself some good organic carrots, asparagus, fingerling pomme de terres (that’s taters, for the less continental), onions, etc. Whatever you’re in the mood for really. Cut them plant bits into your desired shape, though we suggest a ‘long aspect ratio’ for good, even roasting. Take a drink of your cocktail. Whisk together liberal amounts of olive oil, balsamic vinegar, kosher salt, fresh ground pepper, lemon juice, and dry Italian herb mix. Don’t sweat the exact measurements, just make sure it tastes good. Glaze, check! Add the veggies and the glaze to a large mixing bowl and toss. Cocktail break. Hey, you gotta stay hydrated. Grill the glazed veggies at medium high heat on the top rack (in the lid) of a gas grill. This step is important! The hot/dry/indirect heat at the top rack is the only way to get a good even roast without turning your veggies into a less-than-appetizing charcoal briquette. Turn the veggies at the 6-8 minute mark or once they start to get a bit black at the edges. Then roast for another 6-8 min or until they look roasted, nicely roasted. Finish cocktail. If not serving veggies immediately, toss into a crock to keep warm for hours! One Side Grilled Broccoli End up with extra veggie glaze? Perfect, you can make these flavorful florets with the remainder. Make a second cocktail, take a sip. Cut your broccoli into long stem style bits and blanch in a pot of water seasoned with kosher salt and a smashed clove of garlic. Boil for 1-2 minutes. Remove broccoli and quickly cool the running cold water over it in a colander. You want to completely halt the cooking effect. Coat the broccoli with the same glaze you made for your veggies, described above. Now, we aren’t roasting these evil green bits, we’re grilling them on high heat. Broccoli is beefier and can stand up to direct heat better than less robust flora. Preheat your grill on high, and slam the broccoli down directly on the lower main grill surface for 5-10 minutes (or until they look right). DON’T flip them, just pull ‘em off when they look ready to go. Only charring one side is a Michelle Fleming (our Marketing Manager) trick, and it’s clutch. Finish with a spritz of fresh lemon juice. Slow-Smoked Dry Rub Cured Flank Steak Don’t worry, we didn’t forget the meat. Take flank steak(s) out of the fridge and make very slight cross hatch slices on both surfaces of the steak with a SHARP knife (is there any other kind?). Rub your favorite seasoning on to the surface of the meat. Massage it into the cross hatching that you created in the step above. Be liberal with the seasoning since, y’know, seasoning tastes awesome. Smoke the steaks at 180-200 F in a steady hickory or apple smoke. This can be done in a smoker or on a grill with a wood chip box. Total cook time 3-4 hours. Yeah, we know it’s a long time, but trust us, it’s worth it. Pull the steak off the grill, slice into pieces. Cut perpendicular to the grain of the meat. Cutting it the wrong direction will lead to large amounts of regret and embarrassment, with all your friends and coworkers pointing and laughing at you. Enjoy. Smoke Finished Herb Stuffed Chinook Salmon Fillet Grilled fish can be a minefield, but this recipe is perfect even for BBQ newbies. Go fishing (or to the store) and obtain salmon fillet(s). Also, obtain cedar planks that are approximately the same size as aforementioned fish bits. If local fishing hole/forests do not provide required salmon or planks, I guess you can just buy it. Just not as fun. Rinse off fillet and lay out on a large cutting board. Carefully - bordering on sensually - pat both sides of the fillet dry with paper towels. Ignore the confused and horrified stares of those around you who don’t understand the connection you and this fillet share. With the skin facing up, roll the fillet into an arch shape and put a roughly ½ inch deep perpendicular slice every 2-3 inches down the length of the fillet. These slices will serve as pockets for our fresh herb stuffing and will also relax the fillet so that it stays flat on the grill. Chop a seafood fresh herb mix, stems and all. If the old Norse Vikings could eat herb stems, we can too. Take a sip of aquavit or mead, contemplate entry to Valhalla, repeat. Stuff the herb chop into the slices that you’ve made in the fillet. Flip the stuffed fillet so that it is flesh side facing up. Coat the flesh with a liberal amount of olive oil, kosher salt, and fresh ground pepper. Soak cedar planks in water for 10 to 30 minutes prior to cooking. Heat grill to medium high. Put fillet, flesh side down, onto grill. This will sear the flesh, lock in some moisture, and give a nice crispy texture. Keep searing until the fish starts to free itself from the grill surface. It will stick if move it too early. Once the fish frees up, turn the fillet 45 degrees to get a nice gill hatch pattern. Once you’ve shifted the fillet, only sear for a minute or two. Put cedar plank down on grill surface and flip the fillet (skin down on wood, flesh towards the heavens) onto the plank. Cook until plank catches fire around the edges, this will provide a nice finish smoke. Might need to keep an eye on things with a meat thermometer to make sure you don’t overcook it. Overcooked salmon is the worst. Finish with a sprinkle of fresh lemon juice Got a recipe you think belongs in the BBQ pantheon? Tag #Stanelyness so we can share your grilling innovations (which we call grillivations) with the world! ABOUT STANLEY The Stanley brand has a rich 100+ year history. Born from inventor William Stanley Jr. who forever changed the way hot drinks were consumed, in 1913 he fused vacuum insulation and the strength of steel in one portable bottle, inventing the all-steel vacuum bottle we know and love today.
What Gets You Going In The Morning? Tips For Making The Best Cup Of Joe In The Outdoors
What Gets You Going In The Morning? Tips For Making The Best Cup Of Joe In The Outdoors
Whether it's for an extended walkabout or just a weekend jaunt, there’s nothing like the great outdoors to recharge your batteries. The smell of fallen leaves, the gentle babbling of a brook, the cool morning breeze: Everything about waking up in a sleeping bag, unzipping your tent, and stepping out into base camp is designed to energize and invigorate - giving you the push you need to start your day with high hopes and clear eyes. Well, for some people. The rest of us sometimes need a little pick-me-up in the morning in the form of a piping hot cup of coffee. And just because you’re roughing it doesn’t mean that you have to forgo that crucial cup o’ joe. Coffee has been a pioneer staple, a clutch companion for adventurers and explorers throughout the ages. The great wide open wasn’t conquered overnight, but you can bet that coffee got those homesteaders moving in the morning. Even weekend warriors with a hankering for their favorite barista’s brew can bring the city’s best coffee with them. Looking for tips for how to make the best cup o’ mud out in the wild? We got you covered: Boil Water Over A Fire It’s a fact that water tastes better when boiled over a crackling campfire. Don’t believe us? Ask a scientist. We’ll wait. While you’re doing that, we’re going to be over here chilling while our Percolator starts bubbling up a fresh brew. No Campfire? Bring Hot Water With You! OK, sometimes it’s not exactly convenient to find a roaring fire to get your java jumping. If you’ve got a long trek ahead of you, you’re probably going to want to avoid stopping to collect kindling. With that in mind, it pays to plan ahead: Grab your favorite Stanley Vacuum bottles, fill that puppy with boiling hot water, seal ‘er uptight, and just like that, you’ve got almost a day’s worth of hot water ready to deploy when you feel yourself flagging. Grind It Up Ahead Of Time Sure, this should be a no brainer, but when you haven’t had that first cup, no brainers are all relative. The last thing you want first thing in the morning is to bust open your bag of coffee and see beans staring up at you (mocking you with their bean-ness). Sure, if you remembered to bring along your handy mortar and pestle you might be able to get something going, but if you’re packing light, your best bet is to grind ahead of time. Our Coffee Systems even offers a dry storage area in the stopper, able to hold a bottle’s worth of grounds along with its easy to use. Some grinding advice: Try to keep your beans whole until the last possible minute. Grinding them releases essential oils, resulting in more flavor and aroma. The longer the ground beans sit before being used, the less fresh and flavorful your brew will be. For your standard french press, grind your beans coarsely and evenly. You’ll know if you ground them too fine if you try and push your french press down and experience a lot of resistance. Seal your beans in an airtight container to limit the loss of moisture and oils. Make It And Take It If you’ve got a busy itinerary, even the 5 or so minutes it takes to brew up a fresh cup of coffee can be hard to find. That’s where a good vacuum bottle comes in handy: Brew up your favorite java blend, pour it into an insulated mug, enjoy fresh, hot coffee all day. It ain’t rocket science brewing a killer cup of coffee, but do it right and it’s sure to help you blast off. Have a tip for enjoying a fresh, delicious brew while roughing it? Tag #Stanleyness to let us know! ABOUT STANLEY The Stanley brand has a rich 100+ year history. Born from inventor William Stanley Jr. who forever changed the way hot drinks were consumed, in 1913 he fused vacuum insulation and the strength of steel in one portable bottle, inventing the all-steel vacuum bottle we know and love today.
How To Make Cowboy Coffee
Are you and your friends planning a weekend camping getaway, but everyone’s feeling a little apprehensive about being so far away from your local Starbucks? I mean, everyone knows how crabby Mitchell gets without his morning sip, and let’s not even talk about how Sarah is before she gets her daily jolt. An easy way to get those two to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed is by knowing how to make coffee while camping. Don’t let a lack of reliable java hold you back! You and your friends can still conquer the great wide open AND take your favorite brew with you. And you wouldn’t be the first: Cowboys have been brewing up campfire coffee on the range since before K Cups were a glint in someone’s eye. And with a beefy brewer like the Adventure Cool Grip Camp Percolator, you can brew up a batch to give you and your friends that java jolt - and keep that caffeinated gold hot and keep you sane throughout the day. In less than five minutes, you have freshly brewed mud to rival your local barista’s. Want to know how to make a killer cup of cowboy coffee that brings people together? Read on, pardner: COWBOY COFFEE A.K.A CAMPFIRE COFFEE, À LA STANLEY INGREDIENTS: Coarsely ground coffee, about ½ a camp mug’s worth. We recommend a blend from our buds and adventurous brewers Verve Coffee. Hot water. Any hot water will do, but water heated over a campfire tastes the best (it’s science). THE HOW-TO: Roll out of bed, blink, and steel yourself to your noble task. Fill your favorite Stanley Adventure Cool Grip Camp Percolator with water and let it boil. Remove the pot from your fire and let it sit for 30 seconds. This will lower the water temperature to 200°F — the perfect temperature for brewing coffee. Add portioned ground coffee to hot water. Stir for 1 minute, allowing the grounds to fully moisturize. Set timer for 3 minutes and 30 seconds, cover with the lid and let steep. Question why mornings even exist. When the timer goes off, carefully and slowly push down the plunger. Make sure not to press too much or else you’ll get grounds in your coffee (you want them to remain on the bottom of the pot) Serve to the gathered throngs who have smelled that good-good brew. Enjoy! Proud of your morning triumph? Got a coffee hack that you want the world to know? Tag #Stanleyness to share your coffee creations! ABOUT STANLEY The Stanley brand has a rich 100+ year history. Born from inventor William Stanley Jr. who forever changed the way hot drinks were consumed, in 1913 he fused vacuum insulation and the strength of steel in one portable bottle, inventing the all-steel vacuum bottle we know and love today.
Stanley Boozy Favorites: Beer Cheese Dip
Stanley Boozy Favorites: Beer Cheese Dip
It’s been a long day - at the office, the studio, working from home, wherever you put in your hours. But now you’re finally off the clock. You grab a cold beer from the fridge, crack it open, and plop down on your couch to review your Facebook event invites and plan your next move. Hey, looks like your buddy is throwing a get-together tonight at his place and it’s a potluck! That sounds dope… But you’ve been so busy you haven’t gone shopping this week. Even worse, the party starts in an hour and (let’s be honest) cooking ain’t exactly your forte. What are you gonna do so you don’t show up empty handed - or worse, with boring, store-bought chips and dip? The answer is right in front of you, my friend, ice cold and refreshing as it perspires in your hand: beer. No, we’re not talking about skipping the party, finishing a six-pack by yourself and watching Netflix. We’re talking about whipping together a batch of our bomb-ass, party-ready Beer Cheese Dip. So simple even the non-culinary inclined - and slightly buzzed - can make it, this classic beer cheese dip is a gooey, rich treat ideal for tailgating, camping, parties or just a chill afternoon enjoying a couple cold ones with friends. Make it ahead of time and throw it in one of our Adventure Vacuum Crock Pots to keep it bubbling and hot for up to 12 hours. That way, if your party destination is sans stove, you’ve still got hot g'nosh on tap. So go ahead, crack another brew-dog and toast to cheesy, boozy goodness. Stanley’s Bomb Beer Cheese Ingredients: 1 8 oz package of shredded cheese 1 8 oz package cream cheese, softened 1 8 oz package shredded mozzarella cheese 1 cup beer (your choice) 1 teaspoon garlic salt The How To: Melt the cream cheese in a large saucepan over medium heat; stir in the cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, beer, and garlic salt. Sip your beer to stay hydrated. Heat, stirring continually, until all the cheese is melted. Pour the hot cheese mixture into the Adventure Crock to keep warm and done! Serve with your favorite vessel for hot cheese perfection - pretzel bites, tortilla chips, veggies, bread. Not sure what to serve with your beer cheese? Here’s a tip: EVERYTHING TASTES GOOD DUNKED IN BEER CHEESE. Open another beer and marvel at that molten cheese magic you’ve brought into this world. That’s it! Easy, huh? We encourage you to customize your take on beer cheese. Add your own flavor to the dip and own it. Try a different style beer, sauteed hot peppers, caramelized onions, cooked sausage bits, crispy bacon, salsa - the options are endless! If you feel like showing off your inspired cheesy creations, hashtag #Stanelyness to let the people know! ABOUT STANLEY The Stanley brand has a rich 100+ year history. Born from inventor William Stanley Jr. who forever changed the way hot drinks were consumed, in 1913 he fused vacuum insulation and the strength of steel in one portable bottle, inventing the all-steel vacuum bottle we know and love today
Get The Party Started With A Bacon Guacamole Dip
Get The Party Started With A Bacon Guacamole Dip
Bacon and avocado. One is the unpretentious staple of campfire breakfasts and greasy spoons all over the world. The other is a hip, high-minded burst of rich and creamy freshness, even while getting a bum rap for the lack of millennial mortgages. Yet even coming from opposite ends of the culinary spectrum, we at Stanley don’t choose a side. Delicious is delicious, no matter how you slice it or fry it up. That’s why we pair these two star-crossed lovers in our out-of-this-world, party-ready Bacon Guacamole. The fatty, salty bacon complements the creamy, cool avocado perfectly in this simple, easy to make recipe. Whether you’re looking for a crowd-pleasing B.Y.O. addition to a Game Day shindig or a quick snack you can toss into your Adventure Vacuum Bowl before you hit the trail on a hike, this Bacon Guac gets the job done. Who says you have to work hard to be a party pleaser? Stanley’s Signature Bacon Guacamole Ingredients: 4 strips of fried bacon chopped into bits 2 large avocados, all mashed up. Juice of 1 lime 1 jalapeno, minced 1 medium tomato, diced ¼ cup red onion finely minced 1 tablespoon cilantro chopped ½ teaspoon ground cumin Salt and pepper to taste The How To: After chopping, dicing, and a shot or two of tequila (administered orally to the chef) put all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix together gently. Garnish with a little extra cilantro and squeeze of lime. Serve with chips, toast, pita, dippable veggies or just spooned straight from the bowl. Sit back and take your friends’ compliments gracefully. Already made this recipe to smashing success? Have a unique twist on the guac that you must share with the world? Hashtag #Stanleyness on your social platform of choice to share with the Entire Stanley family! ABOUT STANLEY The Stanley brand has a rich 100+ year history. Born from inventor William Stanley Jr. who forever changed the way hot drinks were consumed, in 1913 he fused vacuum insulation and the strength of steel in one portable bottle, inventing the all-steel vacuum bottle we know and love today.