Explorer Eric Larsen’s Tips For Surviving A Winter Camping Trip

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If winter camping (hunkering down in a tent in sub-zero temperatures with frost crystallizing on your eyelids) isn’t your idea of a good time, spend a night with Eric Larsen.

Larsen, who’s one of the most adventurous men on the plante, is the first (and only) person who’s trekked to the North Pole, South Pole, and the summit of Mt. Everest in a single year.

“I judge the quality of my life by how many days I get to spend in the tent,” says the Minnesota-bred polar explorer.

And he’s on a mission “to make cold cool”- to get adventure seekers more enamored and comfortable with winter camping and its related adventures.

Of course, that doesn’t make it any less intimidating, Larsen admits. But he believes it doesn’t have to be- not when you master basic camping skills and the art of layering. On a recent trip outside Crested Butte, Larsen dispensed his top tips for surviving (and enjoying) winter camping.

See Larsen’s winter camping tips and full article:


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